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(2 αž€αžΆαžšαž–αž·αž“αž·αžαŸ’αž™αž’αžαž·αžαž·αž‡αž“)

$27.41 - $42.13

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This Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter Is The Only Proper Way For a Ninja To Drive

αž“αŸαŸ‡ Samurai Sword shifter is a car gear stick shifter that makes it look like your grasping on to the grip of a samurai sword when you shift gears.  the samurai sword shifter is perfect for the kung-fu lover, wannabe ninjas, sword/katana collector, or greasy nerds who loves anime just a little too much, who drives a 4 speed geo-metro which tops out at 58 MPH.

No longer will you need to switch gears like a normal person using the rubber ball with a diagram of how to shift on the top of it, now you can pretend you are a ninja as you swerve between traffic, narrowly escaping with your life as you grasp on to the sword of a thousand truths.

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob


  • [FIT FOR AUTOMATIC CARS】- Universal fit for almost all Lock/Button Automatic Transmission cars,it can be installed easily.
  • [BADASS LOOKING】- Classic Japanese Braided Pattern and vivid dragon pattern, unique and cool design, upgrade your car interior appearance. Perfect for those who are ready to hit the track or those who want to style out with their show cars!
  • [SHIFT SMOOTHLY】- The length of handle is 150MM and the weight is about 0.41kg,the proper length and the proper weight allow you to feel a very smooth shift and also there’s no added stress on the gear shift.
  • [αžŸαž˜αŸ’αž—αžΆαžšαŸˆαž”αŸ’αžšαžΎαž”αŸ’αžšαžΆαžŸαŸ‹αž”αžΆαž“αž™αžΌαžš 】- Alloy + Synthetic silk ito+ Imitative rayskin, More comfortable to touch
  • [αž€αž‰αŸ’αž…αž”αŸ‹αžšαž½αž˜αž”αž‰αŸ’αž…αžΌαž› 】- 1 x Shift Knob + 1 x Sleeve + 1 x Spring + 1 x Wrench+ 3 x Adapter + 1 x Set of screw kit + 1 x Demolition rod

The samurai sword car gear shifter comes in 3 different sizes depending on how long you’d like the sword handle to stick out, including a small version that measures 4 inches long, a medium version that measures 6.1 inches long, and a long version that measures 10.2 inches long.

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

Not only can you use the samurai sword shifter to replace your manual transmission gear shifter, but it also works as a replacement for your automatic car gear shifter. This way, even though you’re not cool enough to drive a manual transmission car, you can still feel like a ninja each time you place your car into drive, reverse, or park.

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

The katana handle car gear shift is made with a classic Japanese braided pattern that gives off a vivid dragon pattern, which makes for a super cool and unique design in your car. It’s sure to be an instant conversation piece for anyone who steps inside your car.

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

The samurai sword gear shift knob can easily be installed in most standard cars, and comes with a wrench, an adapter, a screw kit, a demolition rod, and complete instructions on how to install the sword shifter.

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

Samurai Sword Gear Stick Shifter - Katana handle transmission shift knob

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$27.41 - $42.13 αž‡αŸ’αžšαžΎαžŸαž‡αž˜αŸ’αžšαžΎαžŸ