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Guests of all ages will be filled with joy and excitement as these throw streamers liven up your celebration!

These paper hand-throw streamers poppers can be used for any party, which add atmosphere to special events such as Weddings, Celebrations, Parties, Anniversary, Birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, New year’s eve parties, graduation parties, Championship games, Award ceremony, confetti day and more!


30 pieces streamers in total, a large amount for many friends to throw together from high place to low place for shocking effect.

Bright, colorful, and easy to clean up after all the fun is over, use hand throw streamers poppers to make a grand wedding exit, made guests feel like an important part of the ceremony, and provide for a great photo opportunity! Plus, you can easily incorporate your wedding party by putting the streamer’s confetti together as a DIY.


No mess pop streamers are easy to use, easy to grasp one end of the ribbon, then arrange the ribbon together, which will make a good effect and bring you happiness, and make it easier to clean than confetti.

We care about the environment, all of our confetti sticks are made of biodegradable tissue paper, will degrade rapidly after use.



  • Sufficient quantity: 30 pieces streamers in total, a large amount for many friends to throw together from high place to low place for shocking effect
  • Party streamer: nice for birthday, wedding, graduation, anniversary, opening day, Christmas, Halloween, Easter party favor, also good for show ending, magic show and so on
  • Eco-Friendly: We care about the environment, all of our confetti sticks are made of biodegradable tissue paper, will degrade rapidly after use.
  • 30 Ribbons: each party streamer has 30 thin streamer ribbons, colorful throw streamers add a surprise to your party.


  • Easy to clean: β€œNo Mess” streamer, one end of ribbons on the hand, easy to arrange the ribbon together, make it easier to clean than confetti
  • How to use: take your finger through the handle, then pull off the paper packing, last 45-degree angle up throw.



  • Amount: 10 PCS/SET
  • Material: biodegradable paper
  • Package Dimensions: 7.4 x 6.6 x 2.1 inches;
  • αž‘αŸ†αž„αž“αŸ‹: ៦.៣αŸ₯ αž’αŸ„αž“αžŸαŸ


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